Be your own Fact-Checker!
Anyone on the internet can do basic fact-checks with a few simple tools. Take our course to know what these are.
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Do you ever look at something online and get the feeling that it is fake? Take our fact- checking course to turn that gut feeling into a life skill that you can use every day. Learn how to fact-check claims on the internet in five short lessons.

ఫాక్ట్-చెకింగ్ పై ప్రాథమిక కోర్సు
ఫేక్ న్యూస్, ఫాక్ట్-చెకింగ్ మీద ప్రాథమిక అవగాహనతో పాటు, బేసిక్ ఫాక్ట్-చెకింగ్ ఎలా చెయ్యాలో ఈ కోర్సులో నేర్పుతాము

Basics of Fact-checking
This course on basic fact-checking will teach you what fake news is and how to identify it.
Who is this for?
There is no denying the fact that the internet has taken over our lives. While there are several advantages to this, there are several disadvantages too, one of the main ones being the ease with which fake news is manufactured, shared, and believed by people who use the internet. In this context, learning to tell the real from the fake becomes a necessary life skill that every internet user should develop. Take this short course to enjoy a long-term benefit. Be your own fact-checker! This course does not require any prior knowledge of fact-checking or tools. Anyone who is fairly conversant with basic internet applications like browsers can take and ace this course easily.

Helps you identify fake news

Pick up the skills necessary to debunk a variety of fake claims

Helps you know what/which sources to trust

Learn to use specific tools like reverse image search and InVid

Helps you navigate the internet better
Who are we?
Factly traces its origin to 2014 when founder Rakesh Dubbudu realised that data may not be intimidating to people if it is demystified. In this philosophy, we found our motto—making public data meaningful. This means that we not only explain public data in a way that makes sense to all but also provide the tools that can help people figure out complex data for themselves. Our fact-checking course is an important step in this endeavour, as it helps internet users discern the real from the fake amidst the vast sea of information that is the World Wide Web.
Ready to dive in?
This course does not require any prior knowledge of fact-checking or tools. Anyone who is fairly conversant with basic internet applications like browsers can take and ace this course easily.

ఫాక్ట్-చెకింగ్ పై ప్రాథమిక కోర్సు
ఫేక్ న్యూస్, ఫాక్ట్-చెకింగ్ మీద ప్రాథమిక అవగాహనతో పాటు, బేసిక్ ఫాక్ట్-చెకింగ్ ఎలా చెయ్యాలో ఈ కోర్సులో నేర్పుతాము

Basics of Fact-checking
This course on basic fact-checking will teach you what fake news is and how to identify it.